The credits (shown in brackets) for ETH courses with the ending -DRL are relevant for all ZGSM doctoral students.
The credits for ETH courses without -DRL ending are only for doctoral students of D-Math doing their doctorate on base of the new ordinance on the doctorate. Doctoral students of I-Math or of D-Math on base of the old ordinance have to book these courses via the foundation modules (with -DRL ending).
The below listed graduate course program is preliminary until September 16, 2024 (start of the semester).
Title (Credits) | Time & Place | Instructor |
Advanced Algebraic Topology (DP) (1) | We, 13.00-14.45 Y27H25
| Martel-Tordjman |
Advanced Graph Algorithms and Optimization (U) () | Mo, 11.15-12.00 ETH ML F 39 Fr, 14.15-16.00 ETH LFW B1
| Kyng |
Advanced Graph Algorithms and Optimization (V) (3) | Mo, 10.15-11.00 ETH ML F 39 Tu, 16.15-18.00 ETH CAB G 51
| Kyng |
Advances in Optimal Transport and Stochastic (V) (1) | Mo, 14.15-16.00 ETH HG D 1.1
| Acciaio |
Algebraic Geometry II (DP) (2) | Th, 10.15-12.00 Y27H46 Fr, 10.15-12.00 Y27H12
| Kresch |
Algebraic Topology II (G) (3) | We, 10.15-12.00 ETH ML E 12 Fr, 14.15-16.00 ETH HG G 3
| Kalisnik Hintz |
A^1-Algebraic topology over a field, part 2 (DP) (3) | Mo, 10.15-12.00 Y27H12 Tu, 10.15-12.00 Y27H12
| Ayoub |
Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus (U) () | Fr, 08.15-09.00 ETH HG G 26.5 Fr, 09.15-10.00 ETH HG G 26.5 Fr, 12.15-13.00 ETH HG G 26.3
| Possamai |
Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus (V) (2) | Tu, 08.15-10.00 ETH HG E 3 Th, 08.15-10.00 ETH HG E 3
| Possamai |
Characteristic Classes (DP) (2) | Mo, 08.00-09.45 Y27H12
| Mathieu |
Cohomological Methods in Group Theory (V) (2) | Th, 10.15-12.00 ETH HG G 43
| Nucinkis |
Computational Quantum Physics (U) () | Tu, 13.45-15.30 ETH HCI J 7
| Fischer |
Computational Quantum Physics (V) (2) | Tu, 09.45-11.30
| Fischer |
Convex Optimisation (G) (2) | We, 16.15-18.00 ETH HG D 7.1 Th, 16.15-17.00 ETH ETF C 1 Fr, 08.15-09.00 ETH ML F38 Fr, 12.15-13.00 ETH CAB G 11
| Kurpisz |
Data Analytics for Non-Life Insurance Pricing (V) (1) | Tu, 16.15-18.00 ETH HG E 1.2
| Wüthrich |
Deep Learning in Scientific Computing (U) () | Tu, 13.15-14.00 ETH HG E 5
| Mishra |
Deep Learning in Scientific Computing (V) (1) | Fr, 12.15-14.00 ETH HG D 1.1
| Mishra |
Derived Algebraic Geometry (V) (2) | Tu, 16.15-18.00 ETH HG E 1.1
| Bojko |
Differential Geometry II (U) () | Fr, 09.00-10.00 ETH HG E 1.1 Fr, 10.00-11.00 ETH HG E 1.1
| Serra |
Differential Geometry II (V) (3) | Mo, 14.15-16.00 ETH HG G 5 Th, 10.15-12.00 ETH CAB G 11
| Serra |
Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory (DP) (3) | Mo, 08.15-10.00 Y27H28 Th, 13.00-14.45 Y27H28
| Gorodnik |
First Passage Percolation and Large Deviations (V) (2) | Mo, 12.15-14.00 ETH HG D 1.1
| Dembin |
Functional Analysis II (U) () | Mo, 09.15-10.00 Mehrere Räume
| Hintz |
Functional Analysis II (V) (3) | Mo, 10.15-12.00 ETH CAB G 51 Th, 14.15-16.00 ETH CAB G 61
| Hintz |
Graph Theory (U) () | Fr, 12.15-13.00 Mehrere Räume Fr, 16.15-17.00 Mehrere Räume
| Sudakov |
Graph Theory (V) (2) | We, 10.15-12.00 ETH HG E 5 Th, 10.15-12.00 ETH HG F 3
| Sudakov |
Information Theory II (G) (2) | Th, 14.15-18.00 ETH ETZ E 9
| Lapidoth |
Introduction to Dispersive PDE (DP) (2) | We, 15.00-17.00 Y27H46
| Widmayer |
Introduction to the statistical mechanics of lattice systems (DP) (2) | Tu, 15.00-17.00 Y27H28 We, 15.00-17.00 Y27H28
| Deuchert |
Inverse Problems (G) (1) | Mo, 14.15-16.00 ETH HG F 5
| Alaifari |
Likelihood inference (3) | | Furrer |
Mathematics for New Technologies in Finance (U) () | We, 10.15-11.00 Mehrere Räume
| Teichmann |
Mathematics for New Technologies in Finance (V) (3) | Mo, 10.15-12.00 ETH HG G 5 We, 11.15-12.00 ETH HG F 5
| Teichmann |
Mathematics of Information (U) () | Mo, 14.14-16.00 ETH ML E 12
| Bölcskei |
Mathematics of Information (V) (3) | Th, 09.15-12.00 ETH ML F 36
| Bölcskei |
Methods in Analysis (DP) (2) | Mo, 13.00-14.45 Y27H46 Th, 10.15-12.00 Y27H25
| Schlein |
Network & Integer Optimisation: From Theory to Application (G) (2) | Mo, 12.15-14.00 ETH HG G 5 Th, 13.15-14.00 ETH HG G 5
| Zenklusen |
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos II (G) (2) | Tu, 16.15-18.00 ETH ML J 34.1 We, 10.15-12.00 ETH ML J 34.3
| Haller |
Nonlinear Wave Equations with Applications to General Relativity (V) (1) | Tu, 10.15-12.00 ETH ML J 34.1
| Kehle |
Numerical Methods for Finance (U) () | Fr, 13.15-14.00 ETH HG D 5.2 Fr, 15.15-16.00 ETH HG D 5.2
| Schwab |
Numerical Methods for Finance (V) (3) | We, 14.15-16.00 ETH HG D 5.2 Fr, 14.15-15.00 ETH HG D 5.2
| Schwab |
Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic PDEs (DP) (3) | We, 08.00-09.45 Y27H25 Th, 08.00-09.45 Y27H25
| Abgrall |
Partially hyperbolic dynamics and related topics III (DP) (2) | Tu, 13.00-14.45 Y27H26
| Avila |
Probabilistic Methods in Analysis (V) (2) | We, 10.15-12.00 ETH HG G 43
| Mendelson |
Quantitative Risk Management (U) () | Th, 12.15-13.00 ETH HG E 1.1
| Cheridito |
Quantitative Risk Management (V) (2) | Th, 10.15-12.00 ETH ML H 44
| Cheridito |
Quantum Field Theory II (U) () | We, 07.45-09.30 Mehrere Räume
| |
Quantum Field Theory II (V) (3) | Mo, 11.45-13.30 ETH HCI J 7 Fr, 09.45-11.30 ETH HCI J 7
| Lazopoulos |
Random Walks on Transitive Graphs (V) (2) | | Tassion |
Singular Foliations (DP) (3) | Tu, 13.00-14.45 Y25H86 Th, 10.15-12.00 Y17M05 Th, 13.00-14.45 Y13M12
| Androulidakis |
Statistics for Mathematicians (DP) (1) | Fr, 10.15-12.00 Y27H28
| Bovet |
Stochastic Loss Reserving Methods (V) (1) | We, 16.15-18.00 ETH LFV E 41
| Dahms |
Survival Analysis (1) | Tu, 09.00-11.00 Y23G04 Tu, 11.15-12.00 Y23G04
| Hothorn |
Symmetric Spaces (G) (3) | We, 10.15-12.00 ETH HG G 19.1 Th, 12.15-14.00 ETH HG G 19.1
| Iozzi |
The Isoperimetric Inequality, the Brunn-Minkowski Theory, and the Lp Minkowski Problem (V) (2) | Tu, 10.15-12.00 ETH HG G 43
| Böröczky |
Variational Problems and PDEs (V) (1) | We, 12.15-14.00 ETH HG G 3
| Figalli |
Additional Courses: see semester program of ETH and UZH