Registration for ZGSM Graduate Courses

 - - - U N D E R  C O N S T R U C T I O N  - - - 

 ---   The information on this website is currently being revised. The correct information will be published shortly ---


In general, all doctoral students of ZGSM have to register for graduate courses they want to attend.

As ETH and UZH have different systems the registration for doctoral students from D-Math and I-Math is not uniform:



Doctoral Students from D-Math

  • Courses at D-Math:
  • Please book the modules marked -DRL or -23L (for Nachdiplom.Lectures)
  • (level "Doctorate", department "Mathematics")
  • Courses at I-Math:
  • First you have to register for "Mobility Incoming/Module Mobility" at UZH.
  • Deadline for Swiss Mobility (ETH): Friday, February 16, 2024.
  • Further information concerning  mobility.
  • Being registered please book the modules marked -DP.


Doctoral Students from I-Math

  • Courses at I-Math:
  • Please book the modules marked -DP.
  • Courses at D-Math:
  • First you have to register at "myStudies" at ETH.
  • Deadline: Sunday, March 03, 2024.
  • Further information concerning  myStudies.
  • Unfortunately, at the moment, you cannot book the doctoral modules yourself.
  • Please send an email to Jessica Bolsinger at with the course/module number, your name and your student ID. The email should have the subject "Graduate course registration (ETH)". The modules for doctoral students are marked -DRL or -23L (for Nachdiplom.Lectures), (level "Doctorate", department "Mathematics").
  • Jessica then will get in contact with the Registrar’s Office confirming that you are a doctoral student of I-Math so that they can register you for the course. This can last a few days. In general the course booking can be done until the fourth week of the semester. But with confirming and forwarding process you should not wait until the last day. As soon as you are registered you get an email with the confirmation.


Please consider that you have to de-register from a doctoral course in case you do not plan to attend a course (and hence may not meet the criteria for passing the course). Due to the new electronic credit point capture (at ETH) you may risk having a fail in your records if you don’t show up and haven’t de-registered.

For doctoral students from I-Math: please check if you can do it yourself via mystudies. If not, just send me an email as for the registration.

In case of further questions please contact Jessica Bolsinger at