All doctoral students of ZGSM have to register for graduate courses they want to attend.
As ETH and UZH have different systems the registration for doctoral students from D-Math and I-Math is not uniform.
Course registration for doctoral students of I-Math (UZH)
Registration for courses at D-Math (ETH):
- First you have to register at "myStudies" at ETH.
- Deadline: Sunday, March 02, 2025.
- Further information concerning myStudies.
In general, the booking is done via myStudies. Unfortunately, at the moment, you cannot book the doctoral modules yourself. Thus, the following steps have to be done:
- Please send an email to Jessica Bolsinger at with the course/module number, your name and your student ID. The email should have the subject "Graduate course registration (ETH)"
- If you want to book a Foundations of D-MATH Doctoral Studies Module (which is new, see below) please send additionally the course/module number and the name of the lecturer of the course you want to attend within the Foundations module
- Then, Jessica will get in contact with the Registrar’s Office confirming that you are a doctoral student of I-Math so that they can register you for the course. This can last a few days. In general the course booking can be done until the fourth week of the semester. But with this confirming and forwarding process you should not wait until the last day. As soon as you are registered you get an email with the confirmation
As doctoral student of I-Math you only can book courses with an ungraded semester performance. Without doing an ungraded semester performance no credit units are assigned. There are new regulations, please read the following carefully.
Courses with ungraded semester performance:
These courses are marked with -DRL in the VVZ (level "Doctorate", department "Mathematics"). The type of ungraded semester performance is defined by the lecturer. On base of this the lecturer decides about "pass/fail".
1) Nachdiplom-Lectures (with 2 credits)
2) Foundations of D-MATH Doctoral Studies I or II (with 3 credits each)
- The Foundations of D-MATH Doctoral Studies are offered from fall semester 2024 on and can be:
- courses primarily aimed at students in the Master's degree studies or in the third year of the Bachelor's degree studies (including core courses) - seminars are not allowed within the foundation units
- reading courses supervised by a senior scientist or professor (the thesis supervisor is not permitted to act as supervisor of a reading course)
- In the maximum two Foundations of D-MATH Doctoral Studies can be chosen during your doctoral studies: 401-5001-DRL Foundations of D-MATH Doctoral Studies I (once) and 401-5002-DRL Foundations of D-MATH Doctoral Studies II (once), please see VVZ. The booking has to be done in consultation with the supervisor
- Within the foundations unit you book the course you want to attend (via the lecturer) out of the courses listed in the ZGSM graduate course program (see Graduate Courses). In the VVZ these courses are listed under "Doctorate Mathematics" and are marked with "Offered in: Doctorate Mathematics"
- from fall 2024 on core courses in mathematics (under the headline "core courses" in the ETH VVZ (with 7 credits or more) are not (!) part of the graduate course program anymore (even if some of them had been in previous years) - but as long as they are on a Master's or third year Bachelor's level they also can be booked within the foundations units.
In summary, this means that besides the Nachdiplom-Lectures you have to book the courses at D-MATH via the course units "Foundations of D-MATH Doctoral Studies (I and II)".
Important concerning credit units: In the graduate course program (see Graduate Courses) as well as on the ETH VVZ you can see credit units higher than 3 credits awarded for the courses. These credits can only be obtained by passing a session examination, which newly is possible for doctoral students of D-MATH. You, as doctoral student of I-Math, get three credit units for all courses you do within the foundations units (and with ungraded semester performance instead of an examination). The difference is due to the different regulations.
Please consider that you have to de-register from a course in case you do not plan to attend a course (and hence may not meet the criteria for passing the course). Due to the new electronic credit point capture (at ETH) you may risk having a fail in your records if you don’t show up and haven’t de-registered. Please check if you can do the de-registration yourself via mystudies. If not, just send an email as for the registration (
Registration for courses at I-Math (UZH):
- Please book the modules marked -DP which are listed in the ZGSM graduate coures program (see Graduate Courses).
Proof of the courses taken during the doctorate:
via the Course List for Doctoral Studies. For courses with registration via myStudies, a myStudies extract can also be attached instead of the lecturer's signature
Status: 04.09.2024.
In case of any questions please contact Jessica Bolsinger via