The credits (shown in brackets) for ETH courses with the ending -DRL as for all UZH courses are relevant for all ZGSM doctoral students.
The credits for ETH courses without -DRL ending are only for doctoral students of D-Math doing their doctorate on base of the new ordinance on the doctorate (in case they don't take the course via a Foundations of D-Math module and do the examination). Doctoral students of I-Math or of D-Math on base of the old ordinance have to book these courses via the foundation modules. Booking courses via a Foundations of D-Math module gives 3 credits, regardless of the specific course.
Title (Credits) | Time & Place | Instructor |
Advanced Topics in Field Theory (2) | Tu, 15.00-17.00 Y27H46
| Cattaneo |
Algebraic Topology I (3) | Tu, 08.15-10.00 ETH HG G 3 We, 10.15-12.00 ETH HG D 5.2
| Jossen |
Algebraische Geometrie (2) | Tu, 13.00-14.45 Y27H25 We, 10.15-12.00 Y27H25 We, 13.00-14.45 Y27H26
| Ayoub |
An introduction to Geometric measure theory (2) | Th, 13.00-14.45 Y27H12
| Marchese |
Ausgewählte Themen der Funktionentheorie (2) | Tu, 15.15-17.00 ETH HG D 7.1 Fr, 09.15-10.00 ETH HG F 3
| Knörrer |
Clinical Biostatistics (3) | Th, 08.00-09.45 HRS F05 Th, 09.00-11.00 HRS F05 Th, 11.15-12.00 HRS F05
| Held |
Differential forms in algebraic topology (3) | We, 10.15-12.00 Y27H46 Th, 08.00-09.45 Y27H46 Fr, 10.15-12.00 Y27H46
| Valentino |
Elliptic Curves (3) | Tu, 10.15-12.00 Y27H12 Di 13-15 Uhr, wechselnde Räume -->bitt im VVZ nachschauen Th, 10.15-12.00 Y27H12 Th, 13.00-14.45 Y22F62
| Rosenthal |
Endliche Geometrie II (1) | We, 17.15-19.00 ETH HG G 26.5
| Hungerbühler |
Fourier Analysis in Function Space Theory (3) | Th, 13.15-15.00 ETH HG G 43 Fr, 13.15-14.00 ETH HG G 43
| Rivière |
Free Boundary Problems (2) | We, 08.15-10.00 ETH HG G 26.5
| Figalli |
General Relativity I (3) | Tu, 14.45-16.30 ETH HPV G 5 Th, 10.45-12.30 ETH HPV G 5
| Jetzer |
Geometric Aspects of Hamiltonian Dynamics (3) | Mo, 10.15-12.00 ETH HG G 26.1 Th, 13.15-14.00 ETH HG G 19.2
| Biran |
Group and Representation Theory: Beyond an Introduction (2) | We, 08.15-10.00 ETH HG G 26.1 Fr, 10.15-11.00 ETH HG G 26.1
| Willwacher |
High order methods for advection dominated problems (3) | Tu, 08.00-09.45 Y27H25 We, 08.00-09.45 Y27H25 We, 10.15-12.00 Y27H26
| Abgrall |
Information Theory I (3) | We, 13.00-17.00 ETH ETZ E 9
| Lapidoth |
Introduction to Ising model (2) | Tu, 13.00-14.45 Y27H26 Fr, 10.15-12.00 Y27H12
| Féray |
Introduction to Lie Groups (3) | Tu, 10.15-12.00 ETH HG D 5.2 Tu, 10.15-12.00 ETH HG G 26.1 Th, 10.15-12.00 ETH HG D 3.2
| Nelson |
Introduction to nonlinear dispersive PDEs (2) | Fr, 13.00-14.45 Y27H12
| Sohinger |
Likelihood and Regression II (3) | Tu, 09.00-11.00 Y27H46 Tu, 11.15-12.00 Y27H46
| Hothorn |
Likelihood inference (3) | | Furrer |
Likelihood inference (3) | We, 09.00-11.00 Y22F62 We, 11.15-12.00 Y22F62
| Furrer |
Mathematical and Computational Methods in Photonics (3) | Mo, 10.15-12.00 ETH HG G 26.5 We, 10.15-12.00 ETH HG G 26.3
| Ammari |
Mathematical Finance (3) | Tu, 08.15-10.00 ETH HG G 19.1 Th, 08.15-10.00 ETH HG G 19.1
| Schweizer |
Mathematical Themes in General Relativity I (2) | Mo, 16.15-18.00 ETH HG E 3
| Carlotto |
Numerical Analysi of Stochastic Ordinary Differential Equations (2) | We, 13.15-15.00 ETH HG E 1.1 Fr, 13.15-14.00 ETH HG E 1.1
| Jentzen |
Numerical Methods for Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations (3) | Tu, 15.15-17.00 ETH HG E 33.1 Th, 13.15-15.00 ETH HG D 7.2
| Schwab |
Partial Differential Equations (Hyperbolic PDEs) (3) | Mo, 13.15-15.00 ETH HG G 26.5 We, 10.15-12.00 ETH HG G 26.5
| Christodoulou |
Partial Differential Equations and Semigroups of Bounded Linear Operators (2) | Fr, 15.15-17.00 ETH HG G 26.1
| Jentzen |
Practical Introduction to the Statistical Computing Environment R (1) | Blockkurs: genaue Daten und Räume siehe VVZ
| Seibold |
Probabilistic Method in Combinatorics (2) | Tu, 10.15-12.00 ETH HG F 3
| Sudakov |
Quantum Field Theory I (3) | Mo, 13.45-15.30 ETH HPV G 5 Th, 08.45-10.30 ETH HPV G 5
| Anastasiou |
Random Two-Dimensional Geometries (2) | We, 14.45-16.45 ETH HG G 19.2
| Miermont |
Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Methods (2) | Tu, 13.15-14.00 ETH CAB G 51 Th, 08.15-10.00 ETH CAB G 51
| Steger |
Riemann Surfaces (Part 2) (1) | Tu, 13.15-15.00 ETH HG D 7.1
| Buryak |
Rough Path Theory and Regularity Structures (3) | Tu, 10.15-12.00 ETH HG E 33.3 Th, 13.14-14.00 ETH ML F 40
| Teichmann |
Signal and Information Processing: Modeling, Filtering, Learning (3) | Fr, 08.00-12.00 ETH ETZ E 8
| Loeliger |
Some Problems of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics (2) | Tu, 10.15-12.00 ETH HG G 43
| Shnirelman |
Special Topics in Probability (2) | Fr, 10.15-12.00 ETH HG F 26.3
| Nolin |
Statistical Analysis of High-Throughput Genomic and Transcriptomic Data (3) | Mo, 09.00-11.00 Y23G04 Mo, 11.15-12.00 Y11J05
| Rehrauer |
Statistical Physics (3) | Tu, 12.45-14.30 ETH HPV G 5 We, 13.45-15.30 ETH HPV G 5
| Blatter |
Stochastic Arnold Diffusion of Deterministic Systems (2) | We, 10.15-12.00 ETH HG G 43
| Kaloshin |
Stochastic Simulation (2) | Tu, 14.15-17.00 ETH ML F 36
| Sigrist |
Stochastic simulation (1) | Fr, 10.15-12.00 Y27H25 Fr, 15.00-17.00 Y27H28
| Belius |
Symmetric Functions (2) | Mo, 12.10-12.55 Y27H12 Tu, 15.00-17.00 Y27H28
| Thiel |
The Boltzmann equation, an intermediate level of description for perfect gases (2) | We, 15.00-17.00 Y27H28
| Saint-Raymond |
Thomas-Fermi theory of atoms and molecules (2) | Tu, 10.15-12.00 Y21F70
| Porta |
Time Series Analysis (2) | We, 09.15-10.00 ETH HG D 7.1 Th, 10.15-12.00 ETH HG D 1.1
| Meinshausen |
Topics in Analytic Inequalities (1) | We, 12.15-13.45 Y27H28
| Rassias |
Topics in Probability Theory (2) | We, 10.15-12.00 ETH HG F 26.3
| Werner |
Topics in Rigidity Theory (2) | Th, 13.15-16.00 ETH HG F 26.5
| Burger |
Transport Phenomena I (3) | Mo, 13.00-16.30 ETH HCP E 47.3
| Öttinger |
Additional Courses: see semester program of ETH and UZH